Are you worried about losing your job? Follow these 3 tips to recession proof your job and increase your chances of staying employed. Stop Whining No complaining allowed. No one likes a whiner and those who complain are usually the first to go. While you’re at it, do not participate in the office gossip. Stay visible Do you work from home? If you work from home you are not front of mind with your manager and have a higher chance of being let go. Stop working from home and get to the office everyday. Also get to work before your manager does and stay 15 minutes after they leave. Start Networking There is no better time than while you’re employed to be looking for another job and networking. Contact head hunters and old colleagues to let them know what you’re doing these days. It’s always good to be front of mind with people you’ve worked with in the past just in case you find yourself unemployed. If you do find yourself unemployed, start your job search with or USA...
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