Rizka Agustina , Contributor , Jakarta | Sun, 04/04/2010 10:42 AM | Sci-Tech As the BlackBerry smartphone strengthens its grip in Indonesia, domikado.com has entered the fray to offer a downloadable and potentially helpful application for all BlackBerry users. This free, locally-developed application offers a bunch of helpful information, ranging from eateries to current foreign exchange. Its website lists domikado as an old Indonesian children’s game, where a group of children gather in a circle, their hands on top of each other’s, and clap as they sing the lyrics to a song. The use of the name Domikado serves as a reminder of childhood times when life was easier and perhaps more fun. “With Domikado, life is definitely made easier, so you can enjoy the more fun things in life,” the site says. Domicado.com is accessible by all people, BlackBerry users or not, and provides categorized headlines compiled from vari...