Achmad Rouzni Noor II - detikinet
Hasnul Suhaimi (inet)
Was like this information from Hasnul Suhaimi, Presiden Direktur XL, when being contacted detikINET via telephoned, on Friday (17/7/2009). "To maintain continuation" of the "service, the critical operational team continue to standby," he said. Nevertheless, Hasnul stressed the employee XL other continued to be given a holiday with consideration of the security. Hasnul claimed, initially he could think the situation was safe enough so as to be able to not give the employee a holiday. Hasnul said him was in the XL office -- around 500 metre from the location of the explosion -- during the incident. The first explosion was mentioned by him was accompanied by the vibration as the small earthquake, afterwards was followed by the second bigger explosion. (wsh/wsh)
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