Khairul Ikhwan - detikNews
Medan - the Condition for the Indonesian security after the jw marriot hotel bombing explosion and Ritz Carlton Jakarta, did not yet influence the interest of foreign tourists in visiting to several tourist attractions at Indonesia. The proof is, today one party of tourists from the Netherlands numbering belasan the person, landed in the Polonia Airport, Medan. Roeny, one of the party's members said, they continued to carry out the visit to several locations of the tour in Indonesia like the plan that was scheduled by the side travel. They his plan will head the holiday to the conservation area orangutan in the Lawang Hill, Kabupaten Langkat, around 100 kilometre from Medan, the North Sumatran capital (North Sumatra).
"We indeed were heard the bomb breaking out." But we continued to come. We wanted to the Lawang Hill previously, after that just to other places, said Roeny. The similar matter was also said by Iwan (35), a person guide that became the party's Roeny tourist guide. According to Iwan, the guest that jemput him did not cancel the visit, although hearing the existence of the bomb attack in Jakarta, on Friday (17/7/2009) the morning. "Heard by them from the media, but they did not cancel the arrival to Indonesia," mentioned Iwan. The arrival of the Asing Citizen (the FOREIGN NATIONAL) in the Airport of Polonia Medan, on Saturday morning, did not experience the significant change. Moreover, was not yet it was reported about tourists who were forced to cancel the tour visit to North Sumatra, a day post the bomb explosion in Jakarta. (rul/gah)
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