The Jakarta Post , Jakarta | Sun, 08/09/2009 12:21 PM | National
Parents of terror suspects Air Setiawan aka Aries and Eko Jono Sarjono visited the National Police headquarters on Sunday to bring home the bodies of their sons who were shot dead by the police in a shoot-out in Bekasi, West Java on Saturday."We want the police to allow us to bring the bodies of Ari and Eko back home tonight," Endro Sudarsono, lawyer of Air and Eko families, said. "We show the police their birth and other certificates."
From the National Police headquarters, the families of Air and Eko will go the National Police Hospital at 2.00 p.m. to identify the remains of Air and Eko, reported.
The families said they would bury Air and Eko in their hometown Surakarta, Central Java.
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