Some catch: Officers from the Bali Police and Conservation Agency (BKSDA) carry a green turtle (Chelonia mydas) rescued in a raid of a warehouse in Denpasar on Wednesday. In the raid, the police arrested Jero Mangku Budha, who was allegedly storing 71 protected green turtles taken from Sulawesi and butchering them for meat. All of the turtles found at the warehouse are thought to be more than 70 years old. JP/Zul Trio Anggono
Bali Police officers arrested Jero Mangku Budha, 50, for allegedly stocking 71 protected green turtles in a warehouse on Jl. Pulau Enggano in Pamogan village, Denpasar, Bali, on Wednesday afternoon.
Bali police detective chief Sr. Comr. Andi Taqdir said the suspect had also been allegedly selling a traditional dish called nasi lawar in which he put turtle meat.
“The suspect opened a nasi lawar stall in front of the warehouse. He said that he was using pork in the dish, but actually he was using turtle meat,” he said, adding that his team had been following Jero's movements for over three months.
Andi said that the captive turtles were believed to all be more than 70 years old and weigh more than 100 kilograms each.
Jero faces five years in prison under the 1990 Law on conservation of biodiversity and
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